Unfortunately, many people have depression at the moment. No wonder with the burden people have who have woken up more than those who are still asleep.
How can you simply help yourself? Some may also no longer go to the doctor. If only because of the ridiculous “masks” and nonsensical tests.
For those who can’t and don’t want to do that, acupressure is the way to go!

Depression – acupressure

Using the index finger, massage the right upper abdomen at the most sensitive point.
Then press 3 points (1st right, 2nd center, 2nd left) with the index finger point by point along the inner elbow crease.

These are also sensitive to search.
Finally, press the thumb of one hand against the nail side of the middle finger on the other hand.
Then gently massage the place of the pulse on the other hand with the thumb of one hand.
All applications should not be made longer than 7 seconds.
In addition, it is also recommended to massage the back with a brush or by another person.

Do this acupressure 2-3 times a day until it improves. When it comes up again, of course….
And reconsider the mental context and your


Nun haben viele Menschen derzeit auch Angst. Auch hierfür gibt es einen Punkt bzw. eine Fläche im Ohr, die man massieren kann. Sie liegt im inneren, hinteren unteren Teil des Ohres oberhalb des Ohrläppchens. Bevor es in den Gehörgang geht. Wenn du diese massierst, merkst du bei Angst auch, dass dieser empfindlich ist. Massiere ihn langsam und mit Hingabe mind. 7 Sekunden. Auch diesen Punkt kann man 2-3 mal täglich massieren. 🦻🏻

Basically, the zones of the body are found in the ears. So you could take some time and massage the ears feelingly as a whole, or pick out the sensitive points to acupressure them feelingly.

Together, the result is a good synergy.

All love

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