Deacidification / acidification

Deacidification / acidification of the body
Perform easily and effectively

Dear friend and reader.
In this article I show how I use the simple substances bentonite and baking soda to carry out a sustainable intestinal cleansing and deacidification.

In some media the topic “ Metabolic acidification “Present. It is reported more or less informatively about it, but many people are unsettled. In this chapter you will learn some important connections regarding the topic of acidification, deacidification of the body and deacidification with baking soda, which will enable you to avoid classic mistakes in this topic. It is about the benefits and also the risks of incorrect use of bases. You will also learn something about the real causes of illness. That the soul and the subconscious affect your body and its health and how you can change this easily and cheaply. In order to really reach the goal of healing, work on the spiritual level is also necessary. It’s about the basis of everything in life, the feelings. This work is ideally complemented by self-healing on a material level. I will go into both.
I think this is one of the most important issues.
First of all, let’s dive into the principles of naturopathy. From these comes the following basis for all therapies. According to this, the three supporting pillars on the way to health are as follows:

Deacidify – detoxify – rehabilitate the intestines

In any case, this includes the assessment of the acid-base balance. Unfortunately, being angry doesn’t make fun of the body at all. Acidification is an absolute catastrophe for an organism. In the case of tissue acidification, all organs and organ systems are disturbed on the cellular level down to the subtle (energetic) area. The causes of reduced acid excretion are e.g. B .:

  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Fluid deficit
  • too infrequent sweating.

But what does this acidification produce in our body?

Emotional factors such as stress, grief, worry, fear, anger.

Foods such as: Refined sugar (refined sugar) or worse, glucose syrup, white flour products, candy, cakes, jams, sugared sodas, coffee, black tea, alcohol, juices, meat, sausage, offal, poultry, game, fish and seafood.

What else can affect us negatively:

  • Optically perfect, fruit and vegetables but with little or no nutrients and chemical messengers
  • denatured diet (machine-modified diet).
  • Grain from soils poor in nutrients and vital substances.
  • industrialized “finished feed” with artificial accompanying substances without life.
    First of all, the body or the cells try to protect themselves against over-acidification. It uses its own regulation systems and uses all means to keep the pH value in the blood constant.

To do this, he uses to neutralize excess acids, minerals from our bones, cartilage and even from our teeth. This in turn can then, for. B. in the case of bones and the calcium used from them lead to osteoporosis. In the long term, degenerative (wear-related) diseases of the joint system can arise because the missing bases can cause wear and tear.
Who has an increased risk of hyperacidity?
Basically, it is mainly people whose buffer system is particularly stressed due to diseases of the kidneys, the lungs or the intestines and who do not have enough alkaline substances available. But seniors and athletes are also constantly threatened, as are basically “healthy people” who, due to their way of working and living in combination with a low-base diet and reduced nutrient intake. As we will see later, however, the production through mental disharmony (stress) is still the largest and most powerful source of rapid hyperacidity. This hyperacidity is the beginning and the source of numerous other health problems. In rheumatics with muscle tension, circulatory disorders of the smallest capillaries can occur. As a result, the cells in the connective tissue and muscles are undersupplied with less oxygen. This inevitably creates an energy deficit on the cellular level. As a result, the body produces more lactic acid. If muscle fibers then remain tense at the cellular level due to the lack of oxygen or the resulting lack of energy, there is what is known as “contraction residue”. They can occur within the finest muscle fibers and lead to considerable pain. You then suffer from muscle pain. I avoid over-acidification of the tissue by taking this fine baking soda powder, which I myself fill in empty gastric juice-resistant capsules. In the following, you will find out why the baking soda has to go through the stomach and shouldn’t get into it. People with rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia could probably benefit from it.

Consequences of an over-acidic metabolic situation

The consequences are usually gradual but have a significant impact on our health such as:

  • Promote the development of tumors.
  • Enhancement of oxidative stress.
  • Reduction in the performance of the body due to insufficient use of oxygen.
  • Removing phosphate from the bone system to buffer acids can lead to osteoporosis.
  • Cardiac output deterioration when contracting.
  • Decrease in enzyme activity, on which heart function is also dependent.
  • Decrease in the effectiveness of substances that act in the vessels lead to an increased risk of shock.
  • Increased susceptibility to infections due to a lack of antibodies
  • Muscle wasting due to excessive breakdown of protein. The body’s own substance is broken down.
  • Penetration disorders resulting in the deformation of cells and tissues. This accelerates degenerative processes (“material fatigue”, aging).
  • The albumin protein synthesis can be inhibited.
  • Disturbance of the pancreas in the deacidification of the food pulp through bicarbonate secretion. The pancreatic digestive enzymes can no longer work properly if the acid content is too high.
  • It is easier for tooth decay to develop.
    Therefore, over-acidic people often have: lack of drive, immune deficiency, loss of appetite, nausea and tire more quickly.
    Pain and hyperacidity
    The more acidic the body environment, the more pain is felt. Here, too, pain is an indication of an urgently needed change. By the way: with increasing age, the body usually becomes over-acidic. This acidification then ultimately leads to death. People who have died are instantly acidic. That is why deacidification is particularly important with increasing age.

The pH value as an indicator

The acids or bases are measured via the so-called pH value in the body. More precisely, the concentration of the bases (OH (-) ions) is measured.
A pH value of 7 is neutral, ie there are exactly the same number of acids as there are bases in the tissue, namely 10-7 mol / l OH (-) ions and 10-7 mol / l H (+) ions.
A pH value of 8 therefore means a 10-fold lower concentration of acid ions (10-8 mol / l). A pH value of 6 means a 10-fold higher concentration of H (+) ions (10-6 mol / l), i.e. more acid.

Incidentally, the optimal pH value of body fluids is between 7.36 and 7.44.
Even small deviations above these limits can lead to enormous impairments of physiological processes in the body.
This understanding and knowledge is important, also when measuring the pH value in urine. Because this can be a good, if not the only, easy-to-measure indicator for the pH value in the body. Generalized acidification in the entire organism can actually only be precisely determined by a complex and cost-intensive examination such as magnetic resonance spectroscopy or microdialysis techniques, but who should pay for this again and again?

Measurement of the pH value in the urine

Even if the pH value in the urine does not match that of the cells 100%, it gives at least an approximate picture, which I can easily use for orientation. Here is the theory that I formed from my observation. The urine here offers a kind of “blueprint” of the processes in the body. One can easily orientate oneself on this and thus monitor the course of a deacidification of the cells. It should change and fluctuate several times over the course of the day. Do I measure in my urine z. B. a pH of 5.5 and normal would be z. E.g. a value of 7.5 means that my urine is 100 times more acidic. The optimal acid value in urine is 7.44. However, it can fluctuate between the value 5 and 8 over the course of the day.
Experts rightly say that the pH value in the blood does not and should not fluctuate significantly. If it changes into the acidic plane, we die. So the body tries with its cells and all means to keep the blood in a good pH value in any case. When hardly anything works in this regard, he finally uses the calcium from the bones, as already mentioned. Another rescue measure, however, is formed by the cells themselves. This is because they absorb excess acid from the body that it cannot excrete or is not compensated for. It can happen that the cell eventually becomes over-acidic and, if it is too strong, even weakens or even dies.
But it can also happen that the cell has to change its energy system, the cell metabolism, to a different way of life. If too many cells over-acidify and areas of over-acidification arise, oxygen can no longer get there. The overacidification makes the blood as thick as pudding. Then nothing flows anymore and the cells would be doomed because normal, not “degenerate” cells need oxygen to live. They live aerobically (need oxygen). So you need oxygen to produce energy. If this no longer arrives, the cells have to “think back” to an original way of life. It is about the generation of energy without oxygen, the “lactic acid metabolism”. So the cells produce additional acid. This makes the environment even more acidic and it spreads further. The cells that had to switch over because otherwise they would die no longer have programmed cell death. In contrast to normal cells, they no longer die. Normal cells die and new cells are formed. It goes like this all of life. We then contemptuously call the cells that no longer die “cancer cells”.

In conventional medicine, these cells, which are forced to change, are then “bombarded” with a deadly chemical cocktail. Put simply, by disregarding our own feelings and a necessary remedy of the disharmony, we have “ensured” a manifestation of the problem in the body. The problem passes from the previously energetic to the material state. Only then does it become visible for us or perhaps even unmistakable. This is not a reproach, because something like this is certainly not done with full intent. However, this process takes place in the subconscious. And that is precisely why we do not recognize it. Ultimately, however, that was the problem. Now that the cells “degenerated” as a result, we basically punish them if we want to destroy them instead of bringing in harmony, e.g. B. with the so-called “chemotherapy”, which I understand should not have this name.
I will come to the possibilities of doing something other than “shooting cannons at sparrows” later on.

The “misconception about deacidification” with baking soda

Many people now believe that you simply dissolve baking soda powder in water, drink it and then a sustainable deacidification would take place. Unfortunately, with this method, very little of it reaches the small intestine, from where it should eventually be distributed throughout the body. And also in terms of taste it is always an overcoming.

The small intestine is undisputedly the “distribution center in the body”. Perhaps similar to a parcel center. In the above-mentioned procedure, the baking soda deacidifies the stomach acid first. This can have a negative impact on digestion. So it is rather counterproductive and can lead to digestive problems. Ultimately, this is also noticed by many users who had not thought about it before and now feel more uncomfortable than before. The poor digestion is evident from the fact that the faeces come out almost undigested. You can even still see the food. Many people make this mistake because there are hardly any products that actually reach the small intestine and do not already dissolve in the stomach. The breakdown of sodium hydrogen carbonate into sodium chloride (table salt) and carbon dioxide in the stomach leads to “overinflation” of the stomach. In addition, this method causes the stomach to produce even more acid to make up for the loss.

These empty gastro-resistant capsules , which I like to use in size “00”, can help and I finally come to success. They can of course not only be used for baking soda or bentonite. Turmeric (better blood circulation) or other powders, too, offer a wide range of new, unimagined possibilities. With these capsules you have a lot of possibilities that would otherwise not be available to you.

So the problem is basically getting the baking soda into the small intestine. From there it is finally distributed in the body and gets to where it is actually needed (onward transport). Or just deacidify the intestines so that processes work properly again. Because if the intestinal environment is acidic, this ultimately affects the entire body. And even on mental wellbeing. Only on site can it really be used to deacidify the cells. These capsules are really awesome! Only with this method do the cells gradually deacidify by letting out acids for neutralization. It’s a long process. Because the cells only let out as much buffered acid as can be neutralized. After all, you want and have to protect your blood from over-acidification. Over-acidification leads to the thickening of the blood and the sticking together of the blood platelets. This in turn could lead to high blood pressure, etc.

A cleansing of the intestines is also possible with such an acid-resistant capsule filled with baking soda. You usually notice this after taking the first capsule in the subsequent bowel movement. I use size 0 empty capsules. These are easy to swallow and also have an optimal filling quantity. I can also swallow it easily without it being too big. The decomposition time of my empty capsules is 40 minutes. This is optimal, because they should only get into the small intestine. They are made from HPMC, i.e. from cellulose = vegetable fibers that are vegan. If you drink a lot of water to take it and also during the time of use, this is very beneficial and necessary. With deacidification measures one should drink considerably more pure water anyway. This must not be forgotten. Otherwise it can be uncomfortable because the dissolved substances have no solvent (water), which ensures that they can be removed.

Mental aspects and Bach flowers
If I have over-acidity, I ask myself what really makes me “angry”. The mental situation can contribute enormously to physical over-acidification. However, their harmonization can of course also lead to a reduction in acidity. The best way to get to the cause and resolve it is through the feeling I feel. This, in turn, is anchored in the subconscious, like the cause, which is usually a primal event in childhood. Bach flowers can help very well here. After all, it is a state of shock for my “poor cells”. You can read about the corresponding conditions in books and then determine the required flowers. My method, however, would be a different one, namely the intuitive selection of the vials by simple, blind selection with closed eyes. For this purpose, all Bach flower bottles are set up in front of the client. With his eyes closed, he pulls out of them intuitively according to his feelings. The alternative practitioner or healer explains exactly how this takes place. Then you can then talk about the characteristics of the flowers and the associated strengths and weaknesses. The mixture of the Bach flower essences selected in this way then balances the situation. This supports you on an energetic level and releases blockages that “hold you” in the situation.
The “holistic harmonization” is also a method with which one can get to the bottom of the deeper problem. When you have found this in a session, you can finally take an active approach and bring the situation back into harmony. Everything that has manifested in the body to show us that something is wrong can then go away. With this method you can also discover your own “secrets”, which control us daily from our subconscious. You can find the underlying feelings in so-called beliefs. They are sentences that you say about yourself. They usually begin with: “I am a person who is so and so”. If one then observes this a little closer, one can see which “rail” one is moving on. In this case, rail also means that you cannot easily get to another track there unless you set the points. If you want to know more about it, take a look at

Living space and environment test and acidification

In building biology it has been found that carpets, artificial textiles, electrical devices, cell phones and transmitter masts can have a strong influence on health. And this especially when the immune system is already overloaded. There have already been reports that changes in the living and working environment alone caused a change in the acid value in the urine. That is remarkable. I protect myself against the harmful effects of radiation with such a tachyon pendant. He is supposed to eliminate the negative effects.

Pure water for rinsing – drinking water is very important!
Even the greatest tidying up and cleaning up arrangement is of no use if the body cannot remove poisons, toxins and waste materials from the body. This also includes the acid. In addition to the measures to remove them from the body, pure water is required. Why pure water? The question is answered when you think about your dishes. Imagine washing your dishes in your sink. However, you have double or triple the amount of dirty dishes and, in the end, greasy pots and pans. If you now try to do the entire wash with just one filling of your sink, you will eventually find that the dirty water simply does not clean the dishes anymore. No matter how much detergent you keep adding to the water.
To get the dishes clean in the long term, you simply have to replace the dirty water with fresh, clean water. In this case, the water and detergent can only absorb a certain amount of fat. Once the limit has been reached, it stays on the plates and no longer goes into the water. There is no point in pouring in more detergent. It is the same with pure water, which the body needs as a means of transport for flushing. If substances are already dissolved in the water, the water can no longer absorb and dissipate these substances. These could also be substances such as minerals, pesticides, heavy metals, etc.
Buying one is cheap and easy in the long run Reverse osmosis system if you don’t want to keep lugging boxes. It filters the water materially pure. If you take a closer look, you say that the water can still contain vibrations of the substances, which in turn can still have a negative effect on the body. To avoid this, I use a Soft-Water Energy energizing cartridge . It neutralizes the water with a strong magnet and swirls it. After all, I have pure, tasty and energetically valuable water, of which I also like to drink more. Otherwise there is good, lively, but also mostly expensive water in health food stores or health food stores. Water from an artesian spring would of course be ideal. At that time, these were also common in Germany. Unfortunately, many were closed or used to fill drinking water and are no longer freely accessible. But even today you can still find them if you search a little.

So the amount you drink is important: I use at least 30 ml of pure water per kg of body weight daily as the necessary amount. All other liquids are expressly not counted, because they contain substances that also have to be detoxified again, such as. B. With coffee.

An example for calculating the necessary daily amount of water:
If I weigh 70 kg, I would then have to drink at least 2.1 liters of water a day. Then everything can come out well. However, if I am seriously ill, 3 liters is even better. For the most part, I drink the water SLOWLY between meals. Drinking quickly also leads to a quick re-export, which does not make sense. The best time is 15 to 30 minutes before you eat and about 2 hours after you eat. During the meal you should only consume very small amounts of water, as it could dilute the stomach acid and thus inhibit digestion. This could result in putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines.

Practical measures for deacidification

Since most illnesses are acidic, which can then lead to pain, I deacidify with sodium hydrogen carbonate (baking soda). It neutralizes acids. Incidentally, correct, conscious breathing also deacidifies. When you exhale, carbonic acid escapes through the air you breathe. As you can see from the word, your acid contains acid that can be breathed out. Carbon dioxide is a metabolic waste product that has to be exhaled. If this does not happen or only to a small extent, the body forcibly stores the acid or buffers it by removing other neutralizing minerals (e.g. from osteoarthritis of the bone!). With unpleasant consequences. I already pointed this out at the beginning.

How much baking soda do i need?

A balance in the acid-base balance can usually be achieved with up to 3000 mg of baking soda. Now, however, the question arises as to whether I can progress faster with a higher dose in case of hyperacidity, since I provide my body with an increased supply of baking soda to neutralize acids. Monitoring the pH value in the urine helps here. The total daily amount of baking soda should not exceed 8 g. The organism should not be overloaded. If the pH value in the blood increases as a result of excessive intake, dizziness, muscle weakness, fatigue, and a blue discoloration of the mucous membrane and skin due to a lack of oxygen can be noticed. Breathing may also be reduced. This can also be an indication if muscles cramp. Likewise indifference and confusion. If I overdo it too much, an intestinal obstruction or even a circulatory collapse could result. In this case, of course, medical help would be required immediately. Therefore, the monitoring of the measure is of great importance. More on that below.

The special ingestion method
1.) Drink 1 sip of water beforehand.
2.) Put 1 empty capsules in your mouth and immediately afterwards
3.) Rinse with a large gulp of water and swallow. If necessary, drink another sip afterwards.
4.) Then take the next capsule according to this system.

What is the point of this? The large amount of water ensures better sliding ability in the esophagus with the first glass and good transport when swallowing.

How can I influence the depth of the opening of the capsules?

  1. Because of the amount of water that I drink before and after. The more water, the deeper the capsule goes into the small intestine.
  2. The speed at which I swallow the capsule.

I just imagine it as follows: With a lot of water, which I drink quickly when I take it, the capsules are immediately sent to the stomach gatekeeper, who then lets the capsules reach the small intestine almost undigested. The capsule then passes the so-called “stomach road” and reaches its destination faster. The stomach does not recognize the capsules as food and therefore, to put it simply, lets them into the small intestine more quickly, where it is supposed to arrive.

  1. By the time of taking. After eating, the empty capsules would fall on the food and slowly move with the digestion. It could dissolve earlier. Before eating, it has a free run and can get deeper and faster into the intestines. Even 2-3 hours after eating, it would get deeper into the intestines. This is because the digestion of the food is usually complete and the path is not blocked.

How do I know if the capsules are reaching the small intestine?

If baking soda were to get into the stomach in large quantities, I would belching and an air that smells and tastes of baking soda would escape. This would then be a sign that the capsule has dissolved too early in the stomach. Unless you’ve dusted the outside of the capsule with baking soda. Then it may be because of that, but not to such a large extent. If this belching does not occur and the air escapes “around the bottom”, this is a sign that the capsules in the small intestine have dissolved. So where they should go.

The supervision

Before I deacidify, I measure the pH of the first urine of the day, the so-called morning urine. For example, in the morning, on an empty stomach around 10 a.m. At this time it should roughly correspond to the acid value of the tissue. If it is far below 7.44 (e.g. 5) or if it remains below 6.4 pH after 10 a.m., I can already see an indication that deacidification is necessary. Then I deacidify using the method mentioned. I measure several times a day with a pH meter, which shows more precisely with one decimal place than a test strip from the pharmacy. The easiest thing to do is to take measurements three times a day. I write down the values with the time to get an overview of the development. In order to be able to make a more precise comparison over several days, the time of measurement should be approximately the same, as there is a flood of acids and bases in the body. This naturally causes the values to fluctuate.

An example to clarify:
Around 8 a.m. my urine pH is between 5 and 5.5 and then slowly increases.
Around 10 o’clock it is between 6.5 and 7. Then it drops again to 12 o’clock and rises to 7.6 between 2 and 3 pm. Then it falls again to 5.7 by 6 p.m. and finally to 5.5 around 8 p.m. and then rises again during the night. The next morning it falls again. So it is dynamic because the body normally deacidifies. After deacidification, the pH value becomes low because the dissolved acid comes out.

However, if the pH value remains at 5 or less, even over the day, I assume tissue over-acidification. This is then a basic problem that I then have to work on for longer. In this case, the pH value must be made to fluctuate naturally again. This is also called acid and base flood.

My dosage for deacidification

During my deacidification, I take up to 3 empty capsules, even filled with baking soda, 3 times a day. As already described, these should be gastro-resistant. At the beginning I take fewer capsules, e.g. B. first one. I then increase this to 2 – 3 a day, depending on how I feel. However, the maximum total daily amount of baking soda for humans should not exceed 8000 mg (8 grams). The decisive factor here, too, is the pH value in the urine, which should not be higher than 8 – a maximum of 8.5. Otherwise it could be uncomfortable. Basically, I have observed that the older people get, the more they tend to be too acidic. Of course, it would always be optimal to have the measure accompanied by a doctor or alternative practitioner.

What times is the best time to use it?

In the body there is an “acid flood” and a “base flood” which can also be measured in the urine. This means that the pH value fluctuates, as I mentioned above. During the normal course of the day, the acid flood occurs approximately at the following times: 7:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
The base flood around 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. So there is a change about every 3 hours. This also results in possible intake times for the capsules to show the body that enough base is available from my intake. Then the body can “adjust” to it. However, you should leave a gap between meals and consumption. I measured a gap of at least 30 minutes before the meal and 2-3 hours after the meal. This does not affect digestion. Baking soda should not be taken together with medicines, as some of them do not work properly in an alkaline environment.

How do I fill the empty capsules with baking soda?

I fill the baking soda in a small bowl, which has as steep a rim as possible. With my right hand I push the opened lower (longer) large part of the capsule into the baking soda powder and put it a little against the edge of the bowl. So I press the baking soda in gently. This half of the capsule fills up. When I have pushed the capsule up the edge of the bowl, I use the index finger of my left hand to press a little from above against the capsule so that the contents are pressed in and slightly compressed. This allows me to increase the amount that fits in the capsule. I use this fine baking soda. It is better to get stuck in the capsule when I press it into the baking soda and does not fall out again. This then makes “stuffing” the capsules easier. It makes me feel a bit like rolling cigarettes. After filling and pressing the sodium into the gastro-resistant capsules I hold it straight, i.e. vertically upwards, and put the upper part of the capsule on the capsule with my left hand. Experience has shown that if the capsule is pointing horizontally upwards, it is easier to close than if I hold it at an angle. Then I press the upper part of the capsule so hard that I notice that a small amount of resistance has been overcome. This is the case when the edge of the capsule slides over the small bead that securely closes the capsule. Now the upper part has been pressed over the small bead of the lower part and thus the capsule is closed. Due to this bead, it can no longer open so easily. This is the advantage over other capsules that do not have a bead. With this filling action you should of course always have dry fingers. The excess filling material, which may be hanging on the outer shell of the capsule, is wiped off with a finger by “running around” the capsule. You could also use a small brush to dust it off. This would be necessary at least for products that should never enter the body in front of the small intestine. In the case of baking soda, however, I do not consider this to be a problem. Because then it may be a very small amount. Under no circumstances should the dust be washed off with a damp cloth, as the capsule begins to dissolve when it comes into contact with water. It is normal for the capsule shell to soften when it comes into contact with water. That means, but not that this is why it lets the product out. The good thing about these enteric capsules is that they only release it after the complete dissolution time, even if it should deform. The moisture in the body makes the capsule more dynamic in shape and makes it easier for it to get into the small intestine. I do the filling of my capsules comfortably in the evening on the sofa, quite casually.
Description in pictures (follow):

  1. Provide utensils:
  2. Immerse capsule:
  3. Fill the capsule.
  4. Close the capsule. First place the top of the capsule on the base of the lower half. Keep the capsule upright or tilted slightly upwards.
  5. Now press the attached parts into each other with your left index finger, as described in the text above. When using enteric-coated capsules, press carefully and slowly, as these are more difficult to move than normal empty vegetarian capsules.
  6. Bravo! The first empty capsule is now filled and sealed.

The STRAW method:

This method was reported to me by one of my readers.

Then you take a standard straw and stick it into the baking soda. Powder is absorbed in the process. Now you put it into the larger side of the capsule that you want to fill and knock a little on the straw. The powder dissolves and falls into the capsule. Now I press the contents a bit into the capsules and possibly add a little baking soda if there is still space. Finally I close the capsules and this is done. Great idea! If necessary, you can now remove dust from it with a brush or your finger.
I start taking 3 x 1 capsule first, the next day 3 x 2, etc.

Unwanted side effects
If diarrhea occurs, which can be very important and useful, I may reduce the number of capsules. Abdominal pain can also occur for a short time if the dosage is too high, but this will then subside with the diarrhea. Taking very high doses can lead to low levels of calcium in the blood. This could then lead to cramps in the muscles. So I watch out for symptoms like this. I usually use a maximum of 4 capsules per intake.


However, the pH value in the urine should not exceed 8 to 8.5 during my deacidification.
After a week, check my progress with the deacidification. Then I decide whether and in what dosage I can continue. It can sometimes take a considerable amount of time before the body tissue is deacidified. The tissue only gradually releases the stored (buffered) acid little by little. In some cases, this can certainly take several months. Of course, the decisive factor here is how much acid comes back or is produced mentally. Anger also produces a lot of acid in the body. But here, too, you can’t generalize anything.

External use of baking soda:

A full bath in sodium hydrogen carbonate (baking soda) or soda “pulls” the acid out through the skin. I use at least 3 tablespoons of baking soda on a bathtub. The pH of the water should then be 8. I can also determine this with a pH meter. For increasing foot baths with baking soda, I use 1 tbsp, 1 to 3 times a week. I would use the foot baths designed by Fritz Schiele, which increase in temperature. The slow rise in temperature has many other effects on health.

Wrap with baking soda

I use 1 tbsp around painful areas Baking soda to 1 liter of water. I pour the mixed liquid onto a clean towel (with as little detergent residue as possible). Finally, I wrap it around the painful area. Now I wrap this around the outside with a second, dry towel and then keep calm. The use of such a wrap is also very useful during the night. The next morning the world usually looks very different.

When I had flu symptoms a long time ago and realized that it was going to start violently, I used these measures of the full bath for deacidification. I was very astonished that there were no pain in my limbs in the further course. Nevertheless, I knew that rest was the order of the day and I gave it to myself and my body. Anything else would also be fatal. I give my body rest when it demands it. I don’t keep rushing until he finally has to force me on the boards so that I can take the time to regenerate.
By the way: MMS spray or simply spraying or dabbing with CDH3000 usually helps with pain surprisingly well. If I use CDH pure, I only use it 3 times. Then I dilute it 1: 1 with water. Likewise, the use of DMSO externally. I like to use the DMSO 70 %.

Cleansing the intestines with bentonite – intestinal rehabilitation

If there is hyperacidity, the intestinal environment is usually not really in order either. Helping “good” bacteria die and putrefactive bacteria spread. No wonder then that digestion causes problems. If the deacidification leads to a cleansing of the body, the acidic and other residues end up in the intestine. These can get stuck in the villi, especially if the environment is not right. So the “poisoned environment” is not really getting any better. Maybe only gradually. Unless I clean it. To clean it up, I use bentonite. The inner surface of the powder of one gram Bentonite namely has a size of up to 600 square meters! The bentonite particles have a negative charge. This leads to an extraordinarily high capacity for positively charged substances. Such are for example: heavy metals, pesticide residues, acids, histamines and even radioactive particles. Through the introduction of bentonite into the small intestine, substances are absorbed and removed that put a strain on our intestines. Only in a healthy intestinal environment can healthy intestinal bacteria colonize again. Before that, it wouldn’t really make sense to reintroduce good intestinal bacteria. This is because they could not survive in the poor environment and die again like the former. Therefore, an intestinal rehabilitation with bentonite in the enteric capsules is a very important pillar of the strategy for me. I use 3-4 capsules 3 times a day. Taking baking soda in combination with bentonite is a perfect measure. I always take the capsules at different times. But I’ve already taken it together. The Bentonite , enters the small intestine with the capsule and is distributed there. The bentonite particles absorb substances that can be discharged. These are eventually brought out. The process of cleaning does not happen overnight, of course, because a lot has accumulated in the intestinal villi. But after 3 days I felt clearer and fitter. I use natural bentonite powder because it is natural and not. There is also the purified, light colored bentonite, which is used for cosmetic applications. However, this is “cleaned” and is no longer so natural and perfect.

All love
