Stomach problems / abdominal pain

Stomach problems / abdominal pain

Stomach problems and abdominal pain can have many causes.

You can spoil your stomach and intestines by eating too much. This happens in particular if you do not chew your food properly. This then results in poor digestion and further problems.

How important it is to chew properly in order to be able to digest properly.
Read my article on this . You can also find a lot more information about CDL, DMSO and the bentonite which I would take in your case because of the stomach problem. You can read more about bentonite in this article below. Do not use a metal spoon for measuring.

Awareness and correct chewing:

Chewing properly also has something to do with awareness and being in the HERE and NOW. Most people hardly ever do this. More than 90% of our thoughts are usually in the past or the present. Taking time to consciously chew through things is part of healing awareness.

Increasing age:
As you get older, you usually become more sensible. You no longer eat such large quantities because you can no longer stand it. The body is changing and no longer likes to be overloaded with large amounts of food. Once you have learned to chew your food properly again, you no longer run the risk of “overeating” because you are full more quickly. As you get older, you become more sensible and your stomach and intestines obviously demand it ;-).

Stress and problems:
In a society in which the “rulers” live by keeping the people in fear and terror, a lot of nonsensical stress is produced. And fascism and the horror of seeing how people can be set against each other can also make your stomach hurt. The thought of it gives you a stomach ache. These idioms don’t exist for nothing…

Reines Trinkwasser:
Das Trinkwasser aus Leitungen kann auch sehr belastet sein und einen Faktor für Bauchschmerzen bilden. Der Körper braucht ja zum Kühlen und Spülen (Herausspülen von Toxinen) ein reines Medium, welches unbelastet ist und freie Kapazitäten hat, um diese aufzunehmen. Wer kein reines Leitungswasser hat, nicht aus Plastikflaschen trinken oder keine Kisten schleppen möchte, dem hilft eine kleine Umkehrosmoseanlage. Damit ist ein möglicher Faktor behoben.
Zudem wird man sich freuen, wenn der Wasserkocher und die Kaffeemaschine nicht mehr verkalken und wir selbst auch nicht mehr so 😉.

CDL/CDS/CDH kann sicherlich grundsätzlich im Milieu des Körpers aufräumen. Seine harmonischen Frequenzen machen eine Umgebung möglich, in der aus der Harmonie die Selbstheilung besser arbeiten kann. So wird vieles einfach wieder in das Lot gebracht.

Medikamente sind meist nicht nebenwirkungsfrei und setzen beim Symptom an, nicht aber an der Ursache.

Alles Liebe

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