In addition to the well-known oxidation agents such as CDH3000 / CDL/CDS and regeneration agents such as DMSO as well as detoxification agents such as bentonite powder, there are also tried and tested natural remedies.
During the cold season, nature always provides us with remedies that we only need to pick.
Today it’s all about blackthorn.
It has a taste of plums, which can be sweet or sour depending on the degree of ripeness.
When swallowing, you usually notice a slight scratchiness in the throat.
In homeopathy, the same thing is used for the same symptoms, so eating sloes helps me at the first sign of a scratchy throat, which normally heralds a cold/flu.
I found out for myself that eating sloes helped me to prevent a cold and a sore throat.
It is often claimed that sloes need frost before they have a sweet aroma. I like to snack on sloes as soon as they turn blue. The first ones are still pretty sour. But I try again and again. The largest of them taste sweet even before the frost if they are ripe enough. This disproves this myth for me.
You can also make juice from blackthorn, but I prefer to enjoy it raw and pure, straight from the bush, with its full vibrancy and effect.
All the best
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